Week 13 – I am part of the WHOLE


For my sits this week, I love what we are to recognize.  However, truly getting to or remaining in the state is not always easy.  I can actually recall various times in my life, not a whole lot, where I have been able to really and truly attain that state of being, that state where you fully feel the Infinite Power and Infinite Wisdom of the Universal Mind.  Where I have felt deep in my soul and known that we are all ONE and that each of us individually is a part of that ONE.  I mean, I know that intellectually all the time, but really feeling it is another state.

And then life happens.  Children need to be fed, the house needs to be cleaned, bills need to be paid, I need to wait in line for something, get delayed at an airport, get stuck in traffic, and a myriad of other aspects of living in the physical world come into play.  And I love being a physical being on this Earth.  What an opportunity and a blessing!  But the day to day tasks or realities we each face sometimes make it hard to remain completely present with feeling the ONEness of our existence.  It is divine to be in that feeling of awe.  If only I am able to maintain that.

I recognize that persistence in taking the time and space to be in that feeling, is so KEY.   Letting our subby get the best of us and toil away ours days forgetting to reconnect with the Source.  I am so grateful for Mark and Davene and the Master Key course they are guiding us through.  I am so much more aware of the negative thoughts which creep in to my life.  The practices create habit and I am able to recognize my subby at work quickly, although I still see where thought patterns from my childhood have a stronghold and recognizing those patterns don’t happen as quickly as I would like sometimes.

One of my PPNs is recognition for creative expression.  One of the childhood thought patterns that rears its head is “not being acknoweledged”, in general.  When I would sing, I was told I should focus on using my brain.  When I would draw, I would be told to focus on math, which I was good at.  When I would tell my parents that I was being harassed/teased by others, I was told to not worry about it.  When I would say to my parents, “that’s not what you said”, they would respond and say I must be remembering it wrong.  No acknowledgement.  As an adult woman, I am recognized in many, many ways, but I notice how quick I am to feel a lack of acknowledgement in different situations.  That subby is powerful and stubborn.  I have been working on this for years, many years.  I have known about this for a long time.  I go to a workshop, or give this issue some attention and then life goes on and I don’t maintain the positive habits. THis course is teaching me how to be persistent.  In theory, I have known about the Master Keys, and much of these teachings, but have never spent the time giving a concerted effort to change my thought patterns through practice like this.    I am excited to continue utilizing these practices for the rest of my life!

Week 12…the Power of Thought!

Ahhhh…..to think. We all do it. Some of us more than others. Some more positively than others. Some with more love infused in thought, than others.  Many times have I said (thought), “imagine if EVERYONE on earth truly loved each other equally and that each of their actions at every moment were made so that we would all live  in peace and with the intention to heal and nurture the earth.”  When I say ALL, I mean, all living beings.  The world would be transformed. That is the power we have collectively AND individually. The magnitude of this is enormous; universal, in fact. Thought infused with love. Unconditional love. 

We learn negative thought and behaviors. Imagine if we all only experienced love from the moment of our births? We would not have the need to retrain our minds like we are in this class. we would be able to be “in love” as our habit. I feel, deep in my soul, that this is possible. We all have that unconditional love within us, except many don’t remember how to access it. 

What a joy it has been to access that love again! Keeping Thought filled with love and remaining positive when thoughts stray has been allowing me to remain connected to the ONE/the all. They say it takes 40 days to break a habit/create a new one. Well, it’s been about twice that since starting this class, and the daily practices have become habit. Yet engaged in with enthusiasm because IT FEELS SO GOOD! 

It’s an irresistible force! And it’s Invincible! ❤️💡❤️💡❤️💡❤️💡❤️💡❤️💡❤️💡❤️

Week 11; Judgments all around me

For the las few weeks, I have been at ur local courthouse A lot. Way more than usual. This means that I am around people who do not have the same lifestyle that I do. I tend to hang out with artists, musicians, healers, and generally open minded individuals. My friends are generally spiritual, not religious. That is not the case with much of the court staff, sheriffs, security people, other attorneys and judges. I am not a typical attorney. Generally, I go to the courthouse do my job, and leave as quickly as possible. I don’t like to spend time there talking story with others. The courthouse is not a place I like to socialize at. Do my work, and go. That is my motto.

When I have multiple hearings in a day, there is downtime waiting in the hallway. I have been using that time to read the greatest salesman, read the master key, quietly speak out loud my index cards, I can be what I will to be, and even my press release. I am definitely not speaking out loud “from the roofs”,  when I do my practice there. When I am reading, I can also hear a little bit of what is being spoken about around me. It has been very interesting to be focusing on training my brain, thinking positively, and loving everyone I come in contact with, while I listen and hear those around me speaking about lots of drama, judgments, complaints and opinions. If everyone at the courthouse tried to be on the mental diet while they were there, the courthouse would probably be silent.

While I felt like an outsider before starting MK MMA, I now even feel more different. Not in a bad way, mind you. Definitely in a good way. I have always been an attorney who does not engage in attacking the other attorney, or the other side. I present facts and circumstances and leave it up to the judge to decide. My decorum in the courtroom is very professional and courteous, even to the witness on cross-examination. I have known that not all attorneys behave this way, but I and now more aware of how other attorneys automatically just practice law that way. I listen to attorneys literally attacked me in a court case that has nothing to do with me, And it is obvious that they are doing it to gain an advantage because they don’t have a good legal argument, but they do it nonetheless. And I just smile. And I just ignore the attacks, and really focus on the issues at hand to the judge and present the information that I need to present. I believe that I am received very well by the judge. I believe he appreciates my approach. He appreciates that I do not engage in lowering the standard. I appreciate it. I have never engaged in that kind of behavior, but now I am more conscious of how much it goes on and that I am not engaging that way. And I am finding myself being the observer much more often. And when I am the observer listening to the other person and then hearing myself talk, feel so positive to remain above that banter. And I believe in the long run, it definitely serves my clientele.

I think even after this course is complete, I will continue to bring readings and index cards and the greatest salesman to the courthouse so that I can read these things while I have downtime there, rather than going onto Facebook or just talking with other attorneys. Doing this practice at the courthouse has been very uplifting. I feel much better walking into the courtroom after I have finished reading my scroll then if I walked into the courtroom after looking at Facebook.

Week 10…where to begin?

I am a red. I like order, cleanliness, getting things done. This past week…my desk is a mess. It is never a mess. I am not staying on top of keeping my house clean like I usually do. Work is VERY busy right now. And I want to spend any of my time I can thinking about my goals, doing my practices and living the MKMMA.  I am not a procrastinator and I have completed my blog each week well before the deadline. Then why not this past week? I am also distracted by the state of the world, this country, where it’s going. I bounce back and forth between being discouraged and optimistic, positive. I start my mental diet on day one every day. I am not exercising, but that is one of my promises. I did not complete my service this past week because it rained whenever I had time to do it and I couldn’t do it in the rain. I didn’t drink the 3 quarts of water a day I promised I would drink. 

I did read the GS 3x a day, the BPB 1x out loud a day, the MK once a day, my press release out loud on Thursday and the movie trailer daily. I am now seeing shapes and colors! I saw a circle inside a square insider a triangle as I sat here thinking about what to write. And I sat every day picturing the lines, the square and circle, but no matter what, I could not bring the dot away from the wall to create a 3 dimensional cone. My head is spinning in both delight and confusion. I forgive EVERYONE in my life and myself. I can truly look the gal in the glass in the eye and LOVE her even though I am not completing all my promises.  I know I have the persistence to continue and achieve my goals. 

Week 9 – The Secret Place of the Most High

To think correctly…to know the truth and live it…to be in complete harmony with the infinite, that is the goal. I must be living in LOVE at all moments to experience this. I know this to be true, but wow, how difficult that is.

When I see peaceful protestors being sprayed with rubber bullets and cold water in freezing temperatures so that polluting, greedy men can further destroy Mama Earth, it is so hard to love the ones who care not. We all want to love and be loved, really though. To have compassion for the ones who live with anger in their hearts is what is needed to heal. With love do we eradicate hatred.  With love we create connection, which brings about more love, spiraling all together.

The connection feels so wonderful because we are all one. But without retreating to that sacred space, that world within, our individual “secret” place, we cannot attain the most high. 

My challenge is to bite my tongue.

When I see injustice, I feel the need to expose it.

When I hear a lie, I feel the need to name it.

I have been observing how I expose and name. In my professional life, I am able to be the objective observer, and reveal the TRUTH effectively. In my personal life, that is another story. 

I think of the Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz. 

1. Be Impeccable with your Word: Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love.

2. Don’t Take Anything Personally: Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.

3. Don’t Make Assumptions: Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. AND

4. Always Do Your Best: Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.

I am sooooooo thankful and filled with such gratitude that I have the security and the time to engage in the practices of this class. When I take a step back and view the larger picture…the suffering in the world on so many levels, it is very easy to let go of the annoyances in life.

We all get caught up in our busy lives. And doing our daily practices, spiritual, physical and intellectal, takes time. When was pause and connect with loved ones, family, friends, business partners, and even strangers, life has renewed meaning. I feel that deeply when I make eye contact and am fully present. Ah, the richness of life and love! 

Week #8 

This week started off very difficult. I was ready to quit the course. I did not feel supported. And then I looked within. And I was supported. I kept up with my readings even though I was feeling discouraged. It made all the difference in the world. Now the love is flowing! And oh, how much easier it is, when you are not using Facebook, watching the news or listening to it, or having negative conversations. Now the thoughts on the other hand, sometimes those -ones creep in, but transforming them with intention brings about significant change conversations. Now the thoughts on the other hand, sometimes those negative ones creep in, but transforming them with intention brings about significant change in attitude and thinking. 

And I have finally gotten the whole DM P thing. Prior to this week, I had a “to do” list. That’s what I thought the DMP was. I was not getting any feedback that it should be different. And then I did. And wow, my DMP flowed out of me! And it’s a story! And it’s exciting to read it! And I am excited to record it now! And it makes so much sense!

I did need to change my vision when I was doing this it this week. The battleship image just was not working for me. I needed something a bit more peaceful. A building it was. And it feels so good to visualize it, because I have personal interest in this particular building. I just want to be in my sit for hours because it is so exciting to me. That just is not realistic and I need to work. And spend time with my family. And exercise my body. And to my other course requirements that I look forward to.

Life without the news and Facebook is extremely pleasant! I may need to stick with this one for a while. It helps for the mental diet.


Absolute beginning of Week 7…Vipassina

For at least 6 years now, I have been dreaming of participating in a Vipassina, not knowing when it would happen or where. Part of my DMP is doing a Vipassina. I turn 50 during this Master Key course, and I greet each day with love in my 💜! This course is a gift found here on my little garden island home. And then I found a gift at the other end of the island chain on the Bis Island, where Pele lives, and a 10 day Vipassina course is being offered, the second day of which is my birthday. I feel excitement manifesting itself in me being on the verge of crying. It’s that feeling of knowing you have made a profound choice to move in your own authentic direction. Now, I wait to see if my application has been accepted…..to be continued…….